Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 11, 2013

Chapter 5

Chapter V Pawn Opening
Game 1: Bait a Trap
1. P7+1 C2=3 2. C2=5 E3+5
3. H2+3 R9+1 4. H8+7
The diagram shows the position of the game which has been
developed from Pawn opening vs.PR Cannon
Now, Black mainly can have two variations: (1) P3+1; (2) R9=2. They
may be developed into the following possible lines:
(1) P3+1
4. … P3+1
It is a strategic mistake. The seriousness of this mistake will be fully
shown in the development.
5. P7+1!
This is a move of daring spirit. If he changed to play R7+6, Black
would play P3+1, H6+5, H8+9. Black stands better.
5. … C3+5 6. R1=2 R9+1
If Black changed to play R9=8, Red would play R2+4, then H2+4,
H3-5, C3-1, R9=8, R1=2, C8+6, A4+5, C5=2. Red would have retrieved
what he had lost and be in a superior position.
7. C8+2!
Stationing on the riverbank, the Red Cannon can attack the

opponent’s Chariot. At the same time, it has cleared the way for the edged
Chariot. It is a good move of “using one stone to kill two birds”.
7. … P9+1 8. C5+4 A6+5
If Black changed to play A4+5, Red would play C8=9, H2+1, C9=3,
K5=4, R9+1 (If Red played R9+2, Black would play C8+5), C3=4, R9=6,
C4-5, R6+5. Despite the fact that he has lost a piece, Red is still in a
superior position as he has the initiative in his offensive.
9. C8=9!
It proves that the order of play is very important here. By forcing the
Black Horse move to the edge, it can weaken Black's strength of defense
in the central area.
9. … H2+1 10. R2+6 H8+7
If he changed to play P1+1, Red would play R2=3, then C8=7, C9=2.
After that Red has two powerful follow-up moves, that is, R9+2 and
R3=2. Black would find it difficult to resist Red's offensive as his battle
formation is in disorder.
11. C5-1 P7+1 12. R9+2 C3-1
13. R9=4
After moving his left Chariot to the right for reinforcing the offensive,
Red is ready to launch the general attack.
13. … C3=7 14, R4+6 P1+1
15. C5=9!
Black has no other alternatives but to push his edged Pawn forward. It
is simple and clear-cut that Red plays his Cannon to take Black's edged
Pawn, thus having retrieved back what he has lost.
15. … R1=3 16. RC+3 R3+4
17. RC-1 R3+5 18. RC=5
Now, with a powerful offensive, Red has secured the victory.
(2) R9=2
4. … R9=2
It is a correct move. If he changed to play R9=4, Red would play
R1=2, then H8+9 (If Black played R4+5, Red would play C5=4. Red
battle formation would be a perfect and be of potential), R2+4. Red has
secured the initiative.

5. C8=9 H2+4
It is a correct move. If he changed to play H8+9, Red would play
C5+4, then A4+5, C5=9! Red stands better.
6. R1=2 H8+9 7. H7+6 A4+5
With a consolidated battle formation, Black is waiting at ease for the
chance to come. If he changed to play P9+1, Red would C9=6, then A4+5,
A6+5, R1+1, C6-2, R2+3, R2+6, C8=6, C5=6. Red has gained the
8. C9=6
Red can also play C5=6. If so, Black would play R2+6, then A6+5 (If
Red played C6+6, Black would play R1=4. Red couldn't have any
advantage), H4+2, H6+5, R1=4, R2+4, R4+6, P9+1, R4=1. Black would
be satisfied with the play when both sides are entangled in the battle.
8. … R1+1
Black drives his Chariot forward to protect his armpit Horse. It is an
important move for strengthening his defense as it can activate his 2nd
file Chariot for a counterattack.
9. A6+5 R2+4
By destroying the opponent's stronghold at the riverbank, Black can
deploy his pieces.
10. H6+5 H4+5 11. C5+4 P9+1
It is a necessary move. If Black played R2=3 to capture Red Pawn,
Red would play E7+5, then R3=2, C5=1! Red position is slightly better
than Black's.
12. E7+5 R1=4 13. P3+1 R4+3
14. R2+6 C8+6 15. C5-2 R2-1
16. P1+1 C3=1
With a solid battle formation, Black has enough strength in combating
the opponent.
Summary: It can be considered as a slight improvement of the
normal play R1=2 that Red drives his Horse forward on Move 4. It is also
a deceptive play to lure Black into pushing his Pawn forward. In variation
(1), Black has fallen into the trap when he makes a pre-matured
counterattack. Making use of the opportunity, Red ingeniously sacrifices
his left Horse. At the same time, he concentrates his force to launch a
powerful air-attack on Black's position. Despite the fact that he has

gained a piece, Black finds it difficult in resisting the offensive of Red as
his position is in disorder. At the end, Red has retrieved back the lost
piece and has gained a great superiority. In variation (2), Black responds
correctly by moving his Chariot to tie down Red Cannon. After two
moves of play, the game is switched to a popular variation, in which both
sides have their own strong points.
As mentioned before, in responding to the bait of Red, if he refrains
from obtaining a quick success and instant benefit as in the variation (2),
Black can avoid being trapped. In variation (1), Red attack with a chain
of excellent moves can be considered as a good example of sacrifice for
Game 2: Lock Cannon in Calabash
1. P7+1 C2=3 2. E7+5
It is a stable and safe play that Red plays the Elephant. However, it is
not so powerful in relation to the offensive. The most common variation
is C2=5 or C8=5, which is of menace to Black to some extend.
2. … H2+1 3. H8+7 R1=2
4. H7+6
Red pieces are not well coordinated when Red drives his Horse for an
attack. However, this deceptive play of Red can be served as a "test" on
Black. The correct move is R9=8 to evenly deploy his pieces.
4. … H8+7 5. R9=8 R2+4
Believing that the Red Horse will not find any way to move forward,
Black drives his Chariot to the riverbank and is going to force Red Horse
back by playing R2=4 in his next move. However, this is the scheme
planed by Black himself. When the Chariot is on the riverbank, it is in a
perilous situation, rendering Red an opportunity to exploit. The better
move for Black is R2+3, a move looking weak but strong. Black would
be in an optimistic position.
6. P7+1 (as shown in the diagram)

Red forces a sacrifice of his Pawn. It is a deceptive play with hidden
In the situation as shown in the diagram, Black mainly can have two
variations: (1) R2=3; (2) R2+1. They may be developed into the
following possible lines:
(1) R2=3
6. … R2=3
Being ignorant of the impending peril, Black mistakenly think that
Red has "no alternative", so he drives his Chariot to take Red Pawn.
7. C8+5!
Red has succeeded in his deceptive play. Now, his Cannon is going to
make an assault.
7. … E7+5 8. H6+8 C3+4
If he changed to play H7-5, Black would unlikely lose materials.
However, Red could play C8+1! then C3-1, R1+1, H5-7, R1=6. As Red
strong forces are concentrated on one wing, Black would be faced with
Red attack.
9. C8+1 H1-3
He has no other alternatives. If he changed to play H1-2, Red would
play H8+9. After gaining a piece, Red would be in a superior position.

10. H8+9! C4=2 11. R8+7 H7-8
12. R8=7!
It is a powerful and accurate move that Red presents his Chariot to the
tiger's mouth. If he played R8=6, Black would play H3+2.
12. … A6+5 13. R7+1
It is a wise choice. If he changed to play H9+7, Black would play
K5=6. While having a temporary enjoyment, Red Chariot would been
cornered in enemy's position, finding it hard in making an escape.
13. … C8=1 14. C8=9
Black finds it difficult to make a counterattack when his Cannon is in
a cramped position. Red has secured a winning position as he has the
material advantage.
(2) R2+1
6. … R2+1
Timely coming to realize the situation, Black pushes his Chariot
forward to take Red Horse.
7. P7+1
It is a correct move. If he changed to play H6+4, Black would play
E7+5, then P7=6, P7+1, H4+3, C3=7, R8=7, C8+4. Red could not get any
7. … R2=4
If he changed to play C3=2, Red would play H6+4, R2=6, C8=7,
R6-1, C7+7, A4+5, C7-2, C2+2 (If Black played C8=3, Red would play
R8+7. Red would be in a superior position), C7=2, H1+3, C2-3. Red
would be in a superior position as he has the material advantage of
8. P7+1 C8=3 9. R8=7 C3-1
By now, Red still has the initiative in his hands, while Black has
enough strength to contend with Red.
Summary: In variation (1), to respond to the deceptive play
meticulously designed by Red, due to his greediness in capturing the Red
Pawn, Black has suffered irretrievable losses. In variation (2), as Black
has seen through the scheme of Red, he has timely made up what he has

The deceptive play of Red in the opening is known as "Lock the
Cannon in Calabash"(????). Its scheme is to launch a sudden
attack by making use of the opportunity when Black pushes his Chariot
forward to check the advancement of Red Horse. The tactics is
ingeniously planed. From this point of view, it can be regarded as the
typical example of making break through from the flank.
Game 3: Daring to Face the Exposed Cannon
1. P7+1 P7+1 2. C2=3 E7+5
It is a stable play that Black plays the Elephant. Black can also play
C8=5 or C2=5. All these variations can be evolved into complicated
position of offensive and defensive play.
3. H2+1 C8+4 (as shown in the diagram)
It is a typical deceptive play that Black drives his Cannon across the
river. It aims at sealing off Red right Chariot when it is menacing the
central Pawn of Red. The most common play is H8+7, R1=2, R9=8,
R2+4. Red has gained the initiative.
In the situation as shown in the diagram, in face of the attack of
Black's C8=5, Red mainly can have two variations: (1) H8+7; (2) R1=2.
They may be developed into the following possible lines:
(1) H8+7

4. H8+7
It is a move of dogmatism that Red drives his Horse to protect his
Pawn, enabling Black to succeed in his scheme.
4. … H8+7 5. R9+1
It is a move for seeking variations. If he played E7+5, Black would
play H2+1, P1+1, C2=3, R9=8, R1=2, C8+4, P3+1! P7+1, E5+3, Black
could be in a satisfactory situation.
5. … C2=3 6. E3+5 H2+1
7. R9=4 R1=2 8. C8=9 R2+6
9. A6+5 P3+1!
It is a powerful play for counterattack that Black pushes his Pawn
forward, as it will menace Red left Horse. At the same time, his left
Cannon is ready to capture Red central Pawn.
10. R1=2 R9=8 11. R4+3
It is a correct move. Red must not play P7+1. If so, Black would play
C3+5, then C3=7, R2=3, C7=6, C8=5. The initiative would be reverted to
11. … P3+1 12. R4=7 C3+5
13. C3=7 C8=5 14. R2+9 H7-8
After some exchanges, Black has captured Red central pawn. He has
an optimistic position.
(2) R1=2
4. R1=2!
Being not misled by Black's play, Red bolding offers his opponent an
exposed Cannon. The play is powerful.
4. … C8=5 5. H8+7
Red dispatches his left Horse forward to drive away Black Cannon.
He should avoid making the move R2+8 hastily. Otherwise, Black could
play A6+5, which would put Red in a difficult position.
5. … C5-2
If he played C5-1, Red would play C8+2. Black could not get any
6. H7+6 H8+7 7. H6+7 H2+1

It is a premeditated tactical scheme that Red plays his Horse, targeting
at Black Cannon. Black drives his Horse out for dispatching his pieces
quickly. The move of C5+2 is of no significance, as Red can drive the
Black Cannon away by playing R2+4 and R2=5.
8. H7-5 P5+1 9. R2+6
After making a forced exchange of Cannon, Black's offensive is
frustrated. Now, Red pushes his right Chariot forward, leaving no time in
launching the offensive. The play is powerful.
9. … R9=8 10. R2=3 C2+4
Ignoring his left Horse, Black drives his Cannon forward, hoping he
will have another exposed Cannon. However, this play is not tactful.
However, if he changed to play A6+5, Red would play P7+1. Red still
could have the initiative.
11. R3+1 C2=5 12. R3-1 R1=2
13. C8+4
It is reasonable for Red to capture Black Horse. Now, Red drives his
Cannon forward for sealing off Black Chariot. After the exchanges and
annihilations, Red has gained great advantage.
13. … R8+7 14. R9+2 A4+5
15. P7+1
Red dispatches his Pawn into the battle for expending his sphere of
strength. At this time, Red should avoid playing C8=5 for exchanging
Cannon, as he would be under the containment if Black plays R2+3.
15. … H1+3 16. P7=1
Now, Black's offensive is of no significance. Red is in a superior
position as he has the material advantage.
Summary: It is a typical deceptive play that Black plays his Cannon
for capturing Red Pawn on Move 3. In the variation (1), as Red follows
the old rules, so he is passive in his defensive play. Black has succeeded
in his scheme. While in variation (2), Red plays positively, daring to face
an exposed Cannon and turning Black's tricks against Black himself. In
the end, Red has succeeded in dispatching his Horse quickly and forcing
an exchange of Black Cannon. It has laid a solid foundation for Red to
win the victory.
Because there is no strong pieces to cooperate with, Black's exposed
Cannon can not get the desired result. Once he has failed in his trick,

Black will find himself in the mire, as he can not dispatch his pieces out
Game 4: Understand the Intention
1. P7+1 P7+1 2. H8+7
Following the Pawn's opening of both sides, it is a common play that
Red drives his left Horse out. Red may have other variations, such as,
C2=3, C8=6 and C2=5.
2. … H8+7 3. R9+1 E3+5
4. E3+5 H2+4 5. H2+4 R1=3
6. C2=3 (as shown in the diagram)
After several move of deployment, both sides are confronted each
other with a similar battle formation. Outwardly, the game looks quite
calm, but in reality, it contains many traps and delicate changes. The
actual strength of each side is usually shown in the flat game.
In the situation as shown in the diagram, the move looks quite plain
that Red plays his Cannon sideward to the 3rd file. However, it is the
move painstakingly thought out by Red, which is to lure Black into errs.
In responding to it, Black mainly can have three variations: (1) R9=8; (2)
H7+8; (3) P3+1. They may be developed into the following possible
(1) R9=8

6. … R9=8
It looks quite reasonable for Black to dispatch his Chariot out.
However, it will result in that Black has a disproportionate battle
formation. This is what Red hopes for.
7. R9=6 R3+1
When Red drives his Chariot sideward for capturing Black Horse,
Black is feeling awkward (If Black hadn't played R9=8, Red could have a
coordinated battle formation by playing R9+1). Now, an expedient
measure for Black is to drive the Chariot forward for protecting his Horse.
If he changed to play H4+6, Red would play H7+6. In his next move, he
is going to capture the central Pawn.
8. R1=2 C8+4 9. P3+1! H7-9
It is excellent play that Red pushes his Pawn forward for making a
breakthrough. In such a circumstance, Black has no other alternatives but
to retreat his Horse. If Black erred in playing P7+1 (If Black played H4+6,
Red would play R6+6), Red would play R6+6! Black would find it
difficult in resistance to the enemy’s attack.
10. P3+1 E5+7 11. R6+6 C2+4
12. H7+6
As Black's formation is in disorder, Red is obviously in a superior
(2) H7+8
6. … H7+8
This move is slightly better than the move in variation (1). However,
Red can still take advantage of it.
7. R9=6 R9+1 8. R6+4 P3+1
9. H4+6! C2+2 10. R6+1
It is obvious that Red stands better in the confrontation.
(3) P3+1
6. … P3=1!
Being not misled by Red play, Black pushes his Pawn forward for
achieving a smooth deployment of his piece. After that, he will drive
forward his "Chariot from the position of the Elephant" (???) to
carry out his battle plan. It is the correct move in responding to the

deceptive play of Red.
7. R1=2 H7+6
With his Horse driven out, Black can make flexible assaults. His
battle formation will be of elasticity.
8. R9=6 R9+1 9. P7+1
If Red played R6+4, Black would play C2+2! And his next move
would be C8=6. Red couldn't have any advantage from the play.
9. … R3+4
Now, the situation is quite clear that the initiative has been reverted to
Summary: In variation (1) and (2), as Black's play is not targeted at
the deceptive play of Red C2=3 on Move 6, Red has succeeded in his
scheme. In variation (3), being not misled by Red play, Black continues
to dispatch his Chariot out according to his plan. In the end, Black has
achieved desired results in his play.
The move of Red Cannon on move 6 is not so effective and nor of
any practical significance. The correct move is R1=3 or H7+6. If Black
has a clear understanding of this point and continues to carry out his plan
by dispatching the Chariot out, Red can not get any advantage.
Game 5: A Horse is RunningWild
1. P7+1 H8+7 2. P3+1 E3+5
To respond to the 3rd file and 7th file Pawn opening (???) of
Red, Black is planning to adopt the battle formation of Palcorner Horse
(???) after playing the Elephant. This variation "looks gentle but firm
in reality". If he changed to play C8=9, Red would play H2+3, R9=8,
R1=2, P3+1 (If Black played R8+4, Red could play C2=1 to gain the
initiative by), P7+1, R8+4, P7+1, P7+1. By sacrificing his Pawn, Black
has gained the initiative. After several moves, both sides are engaged in a
close combat. The battle is becoming more acute.
3. H8+7 H2+4 4. H7+6
Red drives his Horse forward immediately. On the one hand, it can
weaken Black's counterattack of Chariot at Elephant position after
sacrificing his 3rd file Pawn. On the other hand, it can enforce a remote
control over Black's Palcorner Horse.

4. … H4+6 (as shown in the diagram)
It is a typical deceptive play that Black drives his Horse to the
palcorner, luring Red Horse to take the central Pawn. The common play is
P3+1 and then R1=3, or play R9+1 directly.
In the situation as shown in the diagram, Red mainly can have two
variations: (1) H6+5; (2) C8=5. They may be developed into the
following possible lines:
(1) H6+5
5. H6+5
It is an indiscreet move, resulting in that the Red Horse will become
an isolated force in the enemy territory. The beginners are liable to
commit such a mistake as they often covet minor advantage and fail to
take the general situation into account.
5. … H6+5!
Black's palcorner Horse jumps to the central file, inviting Red Horse
to make an exchange and also glaring at the opponent's position. It looks
like a runaway horse, that no force can bring it under control.
6. P5+1
In face of the new force of Black, Red can only parry Black's attack

and has no strength to hit back. If he changed to play H5+3, Black would
play H5+6, then C2=4, C2=7, E7+5, C8+4! P5+1, R1=2. Red would find
it hard in resistance, when Black's pieces are occupying the strategic
6. … H5+7 7. C2=5 A4+5
8. H5+3
If he changed to play H5-4, Black would play C2+3 or C8+3. Black
would be still in a superior position.
8. … C2=7 9. H2+3 R1=2
10. C8=6 R9=8 11. R1=2 C8+4
Now, Black is in a superior position while Red has an inert battle
(2) C8=5
5. C8=5!
When Red plays his Cannon to guard the central file, Black's scheme
is immediately frustrated.
5. … P7+1
Ignoring the attack of Red, Black pushes his Pawn forward for
activating his pieces. Besides that, Black has no other good methods. For
example, if he played H6+5, Red would play C5+3! P5+1, R9=8, C2=4,
C2=5, Black's formation would be weakened when his central Pawn was
pushed forward. He had no enough strength in offense nor defense.
6. R9=8 C2=4 7. H6+5 H7+6
Now, the move of H6+5 is not so effective as before, as Red can play
C5+3 (It is simple and clear-cut move. It is not proper for Red to play
H5-3 as Black can play H5+6), H7+5, P3+1, A6+5, P3=4, H5-7, P4=3.
Red has secured a superior position.
8. P3+1 FH+7 9. P3+1
Red shouldn't lose any vigilance when he is in a superior position. If
Red played H2+3, Black could make a counterattack by playing C4+5.
9. … H7+5
Black has no other alternatives but to exchange the Red Cannon with
his Horse which has come from afar. He has lost the advantage as far as
the number of the moves is concerned. If he attempted for a counterattack
by playing H7+6, it would come to no avail, as Red could play C2=4,

then C4=5, R8+1!
10. E3+5 H6+5 11. H2+4
It is a correct move that Red sacrifices his Pawn for gaining the
initiative. However, the move of P3+1 is also a good one. Following that,
if Black played H5+6, Red would play H2+4 (Don't play C2=4 hastily.
Otherwise, Red would lose the initiative as his two pieces are under
attack when Black plays H6+8), C8=9, R1=3. Red would have secured a
superior position.
11. … H5-7 12. R1=3 H7-6
13. H5-6
Now, Red has gained immense superiority.
Summary: In variation (1), as Red covets to small advantage when
responding to Black's deceptive play of palcorner Horse, Black Horse
runs wild that no force can bring it under control. In variation (2), as Red
has seen through the scheme of Black, Black is unable to get the desired
results and his pieces are jammed together. In the end, in face of Red
offensive, Black has been thrown into a difficult position.
Despite the fact that the palcorner Horse is in an unfavorable position,
when it has broken to the bridle, it can bring unexpected results. The two
variations of Red, one is to "set free" the Horse and another is to "restrict"
it, can produce quite different results.